
EVE Audio GmbH


EVE Audio GmbH
Ernst-Augustin-Str. 7
12489 Berlin

Phone: +49-30-6704 4180
Fax: +49-30-6704 4188

Managing Director: Roland Stenz
Responsible for content: Roland Stenz

Trade Register: HRB134677B (local district court Berlin-Charlottenburg)

VAT ID-Number: DE277917861

Legal notice

EVE Audio gives no guarantee that the information provided on these Internet pages is complete, correct, or current (pictures, texts, prices, and other representations). EVE Audio reserves the right to make changes in or additions to the information provided at any time. EVE Audio - neither the company, nor the management, nor the employees - assumes no liability for direct or indirect damages, including lost profits, resulting from or otherwise connected to the information provided on this website. The aforesaid applies also to all links to which these Internet pages refer directly or indirectly. EVE Audio is not responsible for the content of a page that is reached through such a link. The information does not represent an offer of sale. EVE Audio is not liable for damages that result from calling up, downloading, or storing these pages or links.

All texts, pictures, graphics and other files are subject to copyright and also in part to other laws for protection of intellectual property. They may not be used for business purposes, nor copied for forwarding, nor changed and used on other websites.

All trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners and are not affiliated with EVE Audio.

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