Pughouse Studios

Producer, Engineer, Musician in Australia

Waited for the new Eve Audio speakers to arrive

Pughouse Studios, designed by Dave Flett took over one year to build and opened its doors in Feburary 2012. Located in Thornbury (inner Melbourne), the studio is operated by musician/composer/producer Niko Schäuble.

"We had been looking for a second pair of studio monitors to add to our existing near field set up at Pughouse Studios as an alternative listening source. These monitors should be active, have a good representation of low frequencies (eliminating the need for a subwoofer), have a wide and strong throw (to better facilitate client evaluation) and have a different sonic character (for comparison during mix & mastering)."

"Courtesy of our local store Manny's in Melbourne we were able to evaluate several sets of monitors (larger 2-ways and 3-ways) ranging in price from $3,500 to $9,000. The guys at Manny's suggested we wait for the new Eve Audio speakers to arrive, before making a decision. Great advice!
I picked up a pair of SC307's (still factory sealed) the day they arrived at the shop. Dave Flett, Pughouse Studio's designer, dropped over, bringing along his RTA equipment to take some measurements.
Upon Dave's suggestion we set up the EVE's as near fields, which posed no problem because of their compact size. The SC307's would certainly be powerful enough to be positioned as mid fields in a room this size, but placing them in front of our very effective corner absorbers seemed not a good idea."

Niko Schauble
"Wow! Solid and focussed bass response, transparent mid range and wonderful clarity in the higher frequencies."

Consistent in their character

"Having positioned them, we plugged them in, switched them on, pressed play and... WOW: Solid and focussed bass response, transparent mid range and wonderful clarity in the higher frequencies. Especially the spatial placement of the instruments seemed more defined. The overall sound scape was more '3D' (an overused phrase, but very apt in this case) and revealed reverbs and ambience with great clarity.
Both Dave and I were very impressed by the out-of-the-box sound of these monitors but wanted to see what the on-board DSP EQ would do (the RTA also suggested that some slight adjustments could be made). Time to have a look at the manual.

"After having adjusted the EQ settings using pink noise and frequency sweeps, we ran a variety for audio material through the monitors (contemporary classical, pop/dance, more acoustic music) and found the speakers to be consistent in their character."

Experience sound like the pros

These monitors are used by Niko Schauble

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